
Showing posts from September, 2007

7 minute drive in 50

It's summer of 2000. June in fact. I am in Doha, and I am calling my manager at the time (Sadek) about an anomaly in the server software. But that's not the point. The point is, it was about 1:30pm, which is lunch/rush hour, and I am cruising on the D-Ring road taking one roundabout after the other effortlessly. Skip ahead 7 years a few months to today. I just drove my daughter to school, and spent 50 minutes is a traffic jam. The drive in normal traffic takes about 7 minutes. No body is happier than I am about the progress happening in Qatar. This side of the progress is depressing.

Answering a Tag from Gardenia

The smells I like the most are: Lemon Balm (ريحان) Jasmine Lemons Mint Babies Burning wood (certain kinds of dry wood) Not neccessarily in that order. I tag no one ... I am a leaf. I am the place where tags go to die.

Outlandish - Callin' U (2007)

Not sure why I like this song. I really do.