
How to Handle Subtle Insults with Confidence

Subtle insults, disguised as jokes or advice, can catch you off guard and make you feel insecure. These underhanded comments are often used to knock you down, but there’s an easy way to turn the tables. By staying calm, neutral, and flipping the comment back on the person, you can take control of the situation without losing your composure. Here’s how to handle these remarks with confidence and grace. 1. Recognize Projection Most subtle insults stem from the insulter’s own insecurities. Once you realize their comment is a reflection of their own self-doubt, it becomes much easier not to take it personally. They are projecting something they’re uncomfortable with onto you. 2. Remain Neutral When you face an underhanded comment, stay calm. Responding with anger or defensiveness gives them the upper hand. Instead, keep a neutral tone and expression. This way, you avoid being labeled as "too sensitive" or "combative," while showing that their words don’t affect you. 3.

خمسة قيم أساسية و مستقبل حكومة البخيت

بعد قراءة هذا المقال المنشور في عمون  يبدو لي للأسف أن رئيس الوزراء مستمر في سياسات الحكومة الخاطئة ومنجر وراء الحاجة لارضاء الراي العام بدل من إجراء اصلاحات حقيقية. بداية الحكومة بحاجة الى اعادة النظر في الوظائف الحكومية الموجودة حاليا ومحاسبة المسيئين لاستعمال السلطه والفاسدين بالاضافة الى المتمتعين بضرائب الناس عن طريق الوظائف الحكومية "المستحدثة" والتي يشغلها أناس غير أكفاء وفي مواقع ليس لها داعي اساسا ولم تكن لتستحدث لولا أن فلان "بيمون". كذلك يجب على الحكومة التركيز على الوضع الاقتصادي والتنافسي للمملكة والتركيز على زيادة فرص الاستثمار للمشاريع الصغيرة وتسهيل الدخول عليها من خلال: استحداث مشاريع صغيرة ومتوسطة على شكل فرص استثمارية في المجالات التنموية التي تحتاج اليها المملكة وتماشيا مع خطة طويلة المدى تضمن تنمية مستدامة واقتصادا يبني على المعرفة ويضمن استغلال أدمغة الأردنين في بناء المعرفة وتطويرها بدلا من تحضير الكفاءات لكي تكون مجرد خدمات اجرائية عالية الجودة. وفي ذلك شرح كثير توفير رؤؤس الاموال للمشاريع الصغيرة عن طريق قروض صغيرة للكفاءات والخبرات ا

Review of Gigabyte Technology NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 512 MB

If you are buying this kind of card, meaning one that has good performance for the money, then you must have done your homework. So I won't get into that side of things and discuss performance and benchmarks. Instead, I will talk about aspects you do not see in the typical benchmark reviews and what it is like to own this card. First off, when you open the package and see the device you immediately notice that it is a quality product and not cheap piece of hardware. It feels well made and that feeling is only reenforced by the shape and size of the fan. It is definitely the bulkiest and most sci-fi looking I've installed in my machine. More pleasantness comes in when you install it and setup the drivers, which is a synch on Windows.  Even on my Hackint0sh OS X 86 running Snow Leopard 10.6, it was picked  up and was immediately running with acceleration without the need for KEXT changes. In addition, when you see your games running smoothly (I upgraded from an ATI 2600 XT)

The Google Android Tablet with HTC

Just a quick post to pin in time the thought that an Android tablet needs to win, and capture the market at this time. iPad is an excellent device, but still has the shortcomings of iOS (e.g. Steve Jobs decides whats good for you, multitasking "like" ...etc). To succeed, An Android tablet should: Be cheaper, or at worst only slightly more expensive iPad at similar configurations (i.e. 3G, Storage size) Not be limited to a market. Be available worldwide Have a very nice, and very smooth interface (Android 3.0 Gingerbread ... this is your holy grail)  Failing any of these points, will result in anything between a modest success to a lingering failure. Just saying #justsaying

I exist!

This is a bloglet just to prove that I still exist. Here is a little story about my iPhone and fixing it. I broke my iPhone and fixed it a couple of times, until at one point I couldn't anymore. I made the mistake of assuming that the connector on the main board was broken, when in fact it was the LCD and it just happened that the two LCDs I tested were already bad. But thats not the story. I went to a local shop to replace the connector, and they quickly tried an LCD that they knew was good and it worked. And I bought that LCD.And that is still not the story. The story so far sounds like a story of good service and unexpected expenditure.The story however is that of deep disappointment and once again shot down expectations. Bad attitude would be an upgrade for the guys at M3 7th Circle, they are definitely rude and a possibly a little stupid. The worst part is that there is no business oportunity there. My opening a shop there with a better quality of service and better

Windows Phone 7 is really cool

I was just looking at the announcement of Windows Phone 7. I remembered a conversation I had with a Microsoft Project Director a while back. She protested jokingly on my using the iPhone, to which I replied seriously that if they give me a Zune HD type device that also does phone, then I would not use the iPhone. I am quite certain that it is this conversation that lead to the development of Windows Phone 7. :-D .. just kidding. What I want to say is Microsoft really delivered. Can't wait to get my hands on one of these devices.

People should really know this ضروري الكل يعرف هالحكي

ثبت عنه صلى الله عليه وسلم (( أنه لعن آكل الربا وموكله وكاتبه وشاهديه وقال : " هم سواء " )) أخرجه مسلم في صحيحه cursed the accepter of usury and its payer, and one who records it, and the two witnesses, and he said: They are all equal