Why is the world cup so important? What's the frenzy all about? I'll tell you why. Since its a complicated issue, I will start at the start. At first, you grow up observing the older men in your family watching the world cup and reacting with extravagant enthusiasm to 22 men in two colors running around kicking just one ball. As a child who is accustomed to regarding those men with respect as wise elders who are at the very least sane, the occasional and sudden outburst of insanity, rabid rants and near foaming in the mouth (though temporary) is so shocking that it burns forever deep with-in your consciousness and beyond reasoning, that this thing is so important it nears being sacred. And then come the layers. At layer 1, you get that you are rooting for a team to win. Winning is attained by driving the ball through one square, but not the other. You also get that there is shouting and jumping, or cursing and sadness. Depending on which square has the ball. Btw, the single per...