License Parenting!

As I was driving back home from a long day at work and running around town, I was hoping for a peaceful drive home and a peaceful and quiet night, but I knew I was not very lucky that day.

In the cross roads near my home, a car accident was slowing traffic. It was a white Lancer with a damaged front that didn't look like it was going anywhere.

Now you are assuming that the traffic jam and the disgust induced by watching a fine piece of engineering-hardwork destroyed, you would assume that this bothered me, but you would be wrong.

The driver was standing outside the car cleaning his son's bloody face with a piece of tissue, who was seated on the backside of the car. The son's face was smeared in blood and seems to have injured some part of his face. This is a horrible sight, especially if you have children. There was no car seat!

But it wasn't that which saddened me and made me unable to swallow the lump in my throat. It was what the kid was doing. He wasn't screaming, crying, weeping or even whimpering. He was just sitting there conscious, looking at his father with a guilty look on his face.

It was as if he felt he was responsible for the horrible unfamiliar noises and the sudden reaction of his whole world to that noise. As if he had did something horrible and ended up injuring himself, and that's a bad feeling for a 4 year old and a very unnatural reaction.

Now the father was more concerned with the scar on his boy's face than the scar in the boy's heart. I had conflicting feelings at the moment. Do I tell him to get a car seat, or tell him to get a f***Inc clue!!!

Parenting should be licensed!!!


  1. wow!!
    ive always wanted to write a book about such thing :|

  2. hey it would be better if you made comments for others than blogspots.. thanks

  3. its really hard to be a parent. How can you tell wether you are a good or a bad parent?
    sometimes things get out of control and you just can't behave by the book.
    what makes things bad for most of the people I guess is that we didn't trained to be parents or even husbends and wives.
    I think there should be institutes that give corses to the brides and grooms-to-be. Teach them how to live together and respect each other's feelings and thoughts.
    Teach them about parenting and how to be a real spouse.

    Now I really want to know lotusgem, how can you tell wether you are a good parent or not?

  4. cool Jano,

    you want to write a book about parenting?!

    are you a parent?

  5. As with all subjective things, it is hard to quantify it and its better to do it comparatively.

    I compare the behavior of my child against other children in key issues that I believe can be influnced by parenting.

    I look at lingustic skills, social behavior, honesty and telling the truth, skill and knowledge development.

    This way I can tell very easily if what I am doing is going in the right direction or not.

    It also exposes areas in need of more attention and development, and I immediately hit the books and the net.

    I almost always find useful information in

    Btw, Anonymous, do I know you? You seem to know me. You only asked Jano if she had children which implies you already know I have children.

    (Or it could be the Da Vinci Code effect) :)

  6. thanks for the useful info.

    no I don't know you, but you have mentioned in your article that what you saw made the person feels so bad especially if he/she has children. Thats why I had this feeling that you are a parent.


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