Death trap

Quick post here out of shear frustration and surprise.

A major intersection here in Doha near the Toyota tower was partially closed for a while as they were rennovating the roads. It was opened finally about 20 days ago with brand new roads that make you feel you are driving on roads of marble.

Today while crossing the traffic light going from Corniche road towards the C-Ring road doing about 80Kms, I was horrified by the sudden appearance of a manhole extruded about 15cms above the surface of the new road *think trunk of a cut down tree sticking out of the road*.

It is accurately placed infront of the right wheel of cars driving on the right lane. Needless to say, running into it produced a horrible bashing sound that is closer to an accident than a bump in the road.

Just to think I was going to buy the Honda Jazz a few days ago. I am sure at that speed in that small a car (Honda or other make) would've caused more than an unpleasant accoustic experience.

It could kill someone, and just to think this was a road recently signed off by some project manager as good and ready for public use.

What comes to mind now is memories of conversations I used to have about how extremely long roads take to be finished and how that is justified/balanced by how high the quality of the resulting work is.

This one took a long time, and was released with what can only be described as a death trap, an accident waiting to happen, an overhyped media scandal of a poor quality contract.

I really like Qatar, and I would hate to see this kind of thing become a regular item, especially with the flood of visitors expected in the few coming months for the Doha Asian Games 2006.

I am going to report this to whoever I find in Ash'3al on Monday, and I ask everyone in Doha who reads this to go take a look at it (and avoid it) and report it.


  1. الحمد لله على السلامة

  2. je suis si desole‘

  3. Ahem ...
    .. What?!

    الله يسلمك

  4. how stupid people canbe? or maybe thieves is the ward.

  5. sahih, what LoudSilence wrote is French?

  6. I don't speak French, but I asked around and apparently it does mean something (I say this because BableFish didn't produce anything that made any sense). it means "i'm sorry/regretful"

  7. I have to thank you for this post Sari. My father travelled to Qatar last Sat. and I told him about that road, Thanks.
    As for the French, well, you have learned something new, haven't you? ;)

  8. i just dont get it with site works on the street of qatar, they start and never end, u dont see people working there, and when they seem 2 be done its more of a practical joke.

  9. Lammoush, this problem can be found everywhere. Qatar is much better than other Arab countries.

  10. Loudsilence, classy way to say "I am sorry" I like it

  11. i've done my homework. so this is to get another coat of (zefteh) and it will level up (or so i've been told)
    i didnt ask when, bcoz i know "when" is not anytime during my life time.

  12. Great work Lammoush.

    I hope you live a long and happy life, but I wish this happens much sooner than that.

    A friend suggested I call 3eyon il madinah and tell them about, I am going to drive through there tomorrow just to check up on it, and if its still there, I will call 3eyon il madeenih insha Allah.


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