I am the proverbial swiss army knife

During a recent development in one of the projects at work, I saw me -- as my friends did, in a different light.

I was all over the place. I mean networking, applications, DB, authentication, registration, even in deep detail. And was up to it.

I think this is the first time people in this work place realized my swiss-army-knifness. And it is a beautiful and welcome reminder of what I once was.

For those who don't know, I no longer have a technical title. I spend my time reviewing schedules and documents. Everyone thought I was an old timer who once had great digital bending powers but no more. Even I though that a bit.



  1. I get the title, I get the post, but how are you like a swiss army knife? Before reading the post I thought you meant you were red, short and round and wearing a white cross :|

  2. Actually that is what I meant, I thought it was clear. :)


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