
So here I am back in Jordan, and I find my self immediately adapted to the moods of living here.

Crazy is the new definition of oil prices in Jordan. But these prices lead me to believe that Jordanians are complaining more out of habit than anything else. I mean people are still driving their cars and scooters/bikes are no where to be seen.

One positive side to this oil crisis is that my trusty old Toyota Tercel is now worth significantly more than it did 5 years ago.

Thanks be to God, it seems I am making money on everything these days. Even by accident.

I will start looking for work/job soon.

Due to a long bumpy road from Doha to Amman, my furniture is in dire need of a good carpenter. Once that is sorted out I need to sit down and think about Wi-Tribe, UMAX, Zain DSL, Orange ADSL ...etc.

Until then, I will try to keep these nuggets of blog posts coming through for my few loyal fans. (bas balash).

PS: The problem with driving in Jordan is not that traffic laws are too lenient. It's that traffic officers with the pointy helmets and the round ones, don't seem to know the laws exist. Except for speeding and not wearing a seatbelt. JUST ENFORCE THE LAW AS IT IS.

Jordan, Driving, The move, Doha,


  1. Hello Sari,

    Well done , Uncle Son, you are home in Jordan so thats so nice, I am happy to read your words, you think loudly, i could hear your breath through your honest self talking works.

    I am in Jeddah, where no traffic men at all could be seen on the roads, I have faced them to ask me about licences two or three times since the past 18 years, do you wish the same in Jordan, so the accidents will be double or more.

    I wondered as you are from Salt mountain how did you think about using bikes instead of cars, but in the same time, i really asked my self the same question about some flat land cities , i never see in Zarqa & Irbid that they use bikes as a real replacements of cars.

    They should really think about that as they are daily claiming for the oil high prices,besides whats bikes can be safely for the invironment.

    Thank you Sari for your nice Blog, I will be appy if you have time to visit mine at:

    good luck in Jordan.


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