Stupid Vista broke my XP

I installed Vista RC1 on a separate drive in my machine that I use mainly for OS trials. All of my Linux distros, WinXP MCE and Vista trials go there.

When I logged into the pretty Vista and looked in "Computer". I found the drive that holds my Windows XP installation (my main OS) was empty, all 114GBs of it. Stupid Vista!


  1. the same happened to my XP

  2. Ouch!
    My setup went perfect and I can switch back and forth with no issues...
    Anyway, I'm playing with Vista RTM :) Looks and runs fantastically fast!

  3. That was RC1 that killed my machine. My contact in MS promised me a corporate release version last week, and Im still waiting for it.

    What happened was that during installation, I got to the screen where it asks you to specify the drive to install vista, and it showed a 114GB drive with 114GB free space. I freaked of course and tried hopelessly to revive it. Couldn't. But at the end I got all the photos since last back up recovered.


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