Idiots can ruin your iPark day

ictQATAR, the place where I work, has cooperated with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture in Qatar to bring about the iPark.

You can now go to the bigger parks in Doha and get free wireless internet access on your laptop.

A great step forward in my view and an idea that should be studied and possibly extended to cover all of Qatar and may be have the idea implemented all over the region.

The launch was a mega event, to which I was invited. I had enough time to go home from work, have lunch, rest a little and the go there with the family.

Only when I got there the police insisted on seeing the invitation card to let me go in. Only THERE WAS NO INVITATION CARD. All my attempts to explain my this fact to the thick and impolite police man were unsuccessful and I decided to forfeit the day and go do something else with the family.

I parked the car at a different part of the Doha Corniche, and Yelsmin asked if we could take a boat ride, so we did. And then I had the idea to have the boat drop us near the park where the launch taking place. Which we did and made an appearance there and everyone was happy. Especially Yelsmin as she got to take another trip on the boat on the way back to the car.

The worrying part is that I had my whole family, Yelsmin's bike and I got all of us including the bike into the launch event with out really having to think about it. What kind of security is this? I guess the police man is there only to ruin people's days as quite clearly he is not securing the place.

It is a fact of life that one idiot can ruin one or more days for one or more people. What makes it more annoying is that this can be easily avoided.

And in this case, the police man was supposed to be keeping the place safe but lost focus and turned his attention to working the car park. Thank God Qatar is a safe family place, otherwise we would've had a mess on our hands.


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