SCREW! LOST *Spoilers*


The Island disappears,
and people have different names,
Jack's father appears to whats his name... and says its time to go home or something as stupid as that
Hurley as playing chess with echo ...
Lock is dead, but is not really Lock.
And climactic music when John Lock finds out about the time travel capabilities of the Island. Did they forget they spent around 3 episodes of the season talking about it?!!! May be they did during the strike.

Who cares any more. WHAT IS THIS SHOW ABOUT ANYWAYS?!! I really forgot, what are we thinking about? What are we trying to figure out?!


I mean it is ALL questions now. There is nothing happening. Only more weird stuff that cannot be explained and can only more question marks.

And there are more uninteresting and insignificant twists. And many many useless fillers that we can all do without, especially when sitting through two full episodes.

But I cant stop watching. Not now.

Next season is ALL answers. HAS to be ALL answers .... now the question is no longer what is the Island, or WHEN is the Island, its now WHERE is the Island, and soon to be WHO and WHY is the Island!!

And if it indeed is ALL answers; the next seasons's answers better be good and well thought out and NOT simple.


  1. Ammm... Lost? Areyou speaking about lost?
    Well, I heared alotabout lost and prison break, but really couldn't engage to any of them!! :-S
    Those daily series are a loser deal for me... I prefer weekly shows...
    Bs as u mentioned the issue, life some times looks mush more dull when compared to fantazy...
    Faa in these episodes where they ask hard questions, then make them more mesterious, harder, harder... they -most of the time- fail to find convincing answers...
    And when it's time to 'answer' you cannot but feel "maaaa azna5kooooo"... I felt the same when i watched (The Grudge) :-)

  2. mush? :-S
    Men emta?!!! Sorry i mean(much) :-)

  3. I agree with you Naryat, you are absolutely right.

    I would say don't even worry about Prison Break (Beyond the first season).

    But Lost is waaaayyyyy better than anything else. I have watched two mosalsalat in my life, Ra2fat il Hajjan and then Lost ....

    Everything else I see if I have nothing else to do.

    You cannot appreciate Lost unless you go to the first episode of season 1 and start there and keep going.

    You should do it.


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