This is an interesting read. A bit of history first, person A is travelling to Canada, person B says "Bring back some civilization", Person C says "Yeah, some fake civilization". Person B writes the following: I'm not really sure where you have lived in the past, nor how long it's been since you've experienced life in the middle east and/or north america. I think you have misinterpreted my statement about civilisation, I wasn't really talking about civilisation in the global sense, which encompasses foreign affairs, wars, politics and so on. What I was referring to is the basic, fundamental principles of civilisation that has been known to man since the invention of the wheel. To be more specific: Understanding the concept of waiting in line Attempting to be punctual, it's nice and dandy to own a $15,000 watch, but it would also be nice to learn how to use it sometimes. Making a simple effort to meet promises and commitments, living by the old sa...